Our business analysts and product specialists collaborate to identify and develop solution requirements into epics and user stories.
We develop flexible designs that evolve as the solution develops and the requirement set continues to emerge throughout the Agile development process.
Our experienced development teams use a combination of Front-End languages and Back-End database technologies to create secure cloud-based software applications through a series of development sprints.
Ongoing verification and validation using industry-standard tools and techniques provide feedback throughout the development process resulting in high confidence that the solutions will be fit for purpose.
Integral to every tlmNexus project is a package that enables the successful deployment of the digitised system, and provides ongoing support:
Secure hosting
IS27001 information security management
Cyber Essentials Certified Plus
Legacy data import
To facilitate and speed up successful deployment, freeing personnel to concentrate on their operational roles
A continuously growing suite of training support including documents, videos and online tuition
Service desk
24/7 help desk to ensure that problems are resolved as fast as possible.
Many customers require more support, and engage with the tlmNexus Customer Success programme, which in addition to the integral solution deployment, allows us to work increasingly seamlessly as part of the customer’s team.
Our Customer Success team is involved at the start of a contract, putting together a Customer Success plan with identified goals, and continues throughout the lifetime of the service.
At the heart of the programme is the Customer Success Journey, a key aim of which is to ensure the customer gets value from using the new digitised process, and that they get it as quickly as possible after implementation. We work together to monitor, capture and communicate that value, so that the customer’s business can see the return on investment and build on it.
We are the guides to help the customer get the most from their digitised toolkit, in particular the benefits required. We give end users everything they need to embed the new process as part of the way they work.
A user-friendly platform for digitally capturing and tracking your compliance evidence, demonstrating your adherence to regulations and standards in real time.
Captures system usage data that can be used to highlight areas for performance improvements across the fleet.
A secure digital document management solution allowing users to publish fully traceable data and information in support of their military tempo.
tlmNexus Ltd,
Suite 16, Citibase, 95 Ditchling Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4ST.
tlmNexus Ltd,
Suite 16, Citibase, 95 Ditchling Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4ST.